With a completely innovative format, the Deep Freeze Trail will be a differentiated space to present all the steps of the process of deep freezing and portioning of the food, promoting a unique experience to the participants of the fair.

The trail will begin with a theoretical part so visitors can get acquainted on this much debated topic in the industry. After a quick lecture, participants will be invited to see the process of deep freezing in three pillars: Pizzeria, Bakery and Confectionery. Soon after the exposition of the process, there will be a shop with window displays, showing the correct way of storing the frozen product, as well as a tasting of the food produced on the trail, demonstrating that the flavor is kept bringing quality to the customer's table.

Issues such as ingredient packaging and inventory management will be guidelines for the project, which will provide a complete overview of the owners of the facilities.

When: June 11-14 at the Fispal Food Service
Where: Estande I 191

Free participation, by order of arrival at the Trilha do Ultracongelado booth.


Ronaldo Ayres, coordinator of the project, is in charge of the consultancy Mr. Pizza and is Director of CTP - Technological Development Center of Pizzas & Pasta in Brazil.